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Thursday, August 26, 2010


What is the real definition of happiness? The Webster Dictionary defines it as: having, showing, or causing great pleasure, or joy. It's funny to even hear the word joy, in the same reference to happiness. My take on joy, is what is perceived by, and through the naked eye. While happiness can be felt, without being seen to the naked eye.

Ever since I was younger, people always asked me: Why don't you smile, aren't you happy? I reply: yes, you just can't see me show it gladly. Others can express their joy, by smiling, or seeming happy. To what the world may perceive, as a show of happiness. I just never smiled much. Sometimes I smile and be crying within. People always want to see, to judge; than to know, before judging. I know we all are twisted at times. I guess that's the way the cookie crumbles.

In life, happiness can be shared without cracking a smile or two. Since not every smile, is smiling for true. My mother always said: There's a lie behind some smiles, just get to know a person for awhile. You will see, their truth to be. In other words, smiling faces sometimes tell lies. When in society, it seems to be the fad for centuries. The more we express happiness with a smile, the more people want to linger around for hours. I guess we are judged, in what the facial expression curves into.

Right now, with so much suffering and financial hardship; how can anyone be happy? Jesus said: All the days of the oppressed are wretched/miserable, but the cheerful heart has a continual feast-Proverbs 15:15(NIV). It doesn't say anything about showing, now does it. Showing happiness, is all man made. Not Godly commanded. No, we must not sit around with a frown, but why sit there giggling and laughing all the time as a clown?

People always want to find some sort of excuse, for their own misery. I really don't see anyone walking around all cheerful, just smiling from ear to ear. Some may say: Wow, this blogger is really pissed and complaining. Well in reality, I'm trying to address my points plainly. No one should be forced, into showing their happiness: with a smile. When happy, people show compassion; despite a smile. Whether by a hug or even simple words. A smile can be expressed, by a show gratitude: with a thank you or you are kindly welcome. So never judge a person's heart, if they decide not to smile. Meaning: just don't judge a book by its cover. Open up to the person, to see what they are showing from within. Who knows, you might be glad you had listened.

I'm happy and sometimes no one will see me. Yet in still, it doesn't mean I'm not happy as can be. Society just need to focus, on how to keep themselves happy. Then it wouldn't be, so many unhappy people; in general. Once we all start focusing on our own inner health, then maybe we will see happiness shining from within others. Great joy should be shared from one to another, but just waiting to see a smile from someone's face; is wasted energy and time. If you as a person want to show you happiness by curving a upward curve, then why not. Just don't switch your upward curve downward, if someone isn't really seeing, what you're feeling.

I just believe that once all the stupidity of society, would stop with the dependence on another. Maybe then, we all can really see the love, joy, and peace with each other. No one has it all, know it all, or can do it all. We all need to express love first, for our happiness to grow. Which should always be manifested with ourselves, before seeking from others. I pray this blog is a blessing. Spread the happiness from within, by having compassionate love to send. And maybe then, a smile or two, someone will give you, if you let it happen. God bless.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Counting Too Much On The Past...

The past is one of many people down faults, including mine. I look so far ahead, but still checking behind. Wondering if any negativity from the pass, is trying to catch up to me. Hoping that the past, wouldn't out run me. Or by my complacency: letting the negative past overrule me. So much time was given in the past, but the valued time is all caught in the past mind. Thoughts can produce and thoughts can surely hurt. My mother always said: you need to crawl before you walk. Since everything in life, is taken by each small step. The problem is, some are afraid to attempt to get up and walk away.

I have even noticed how some whether stay, in a losing battle of a relationship. Once was told: I rather stay with a person I knew the longest, than to try and find someone new. Wow!!! This was spoken by a person, who was getting abused, particularly everyday. Coming to work with knots on the face, but still loved and wanted to stay anyways. I never stayed long enough for physical abuse. I leave quickly, before the physical abuse was produced or transpired. Once a person hit another one time, it will always be another time. Since your staying with them, means you like how the treatment is.

My abuse is mental and emotional. I tend to stay wrapped around: the coulda, woulda, shoulda, mentality. Wondering if I coulda been patient enough, maybe it woulda worked out. Or I shoulda tried to take back my decision, to end the relationship; it might have worked this time. It never does. Once you take back, the innocence of the beginning, isn't available to get back. It was destroyed, when the letting go was given. My fault is I hold onto the past, more than focusing on the future.

Oh, he was so nice to me, why did I ever let him go: I always think. He was such a perfect gentleman: at the time I think. He gave me some of his time: is always on my mind. If only: I always think when I'm lonely. He could be right here, next to me: I seem to always see. Him and I: I start to cry. Why, Lord, why: as I dry up my eyes. Was he the one you sent: I take precious time spent. Was it me, that's why it couldn't work: always making myself out to be a jerk. Maybe I'll give this one more try: I never stop when I sigh. Just write or call him: when all around me seems dim. I will try to see if there something, still there between us: I fuss. He's probably not with anyone: this is how all the problems begun.

If you let someone go, it was for a good reason. We all make it out to be our fault, never the other person. This is how old feelings start to dictate: where did we go wrong in the past: we all think. Never trying to see the wrong in the other person. Just looking at the glass half full. The other person has gone on, never calling, writing, or attempting to converse. Just ourselves sitting around to rehearse. Old messed up lines, we thought we made or did. When in reality, the other person isn't even letting us cross their mind.

Some get married, start a family. While we're on the sofa, reminiscing on a life; now past away. Always a song, that came on at the right time, when in love. The moment you looked into each other's eyes and said those words: I love you. Now that makes everyone think: maybe the other person truly did? Why did I screw it up: you always question yourself? Was I really that blind, I couldn't see the love between us? Why did I have to see him on top of her? Or maybe he was too busy to write a line or two, in response to my emails? Time is money and he does live far, he couldn't call me? These questions will never fail, in keeping thoughts caught up in time.

I have played the same broken record, of being caught up in the past thoughts. Never looking ahead for a fresher and better thought provoking pattern. Just me, feeling sorry for myself, and taking the past right with me; to feel even worst. I start feeling sorry for what decisions I made. Start thinking of a future we could have had. I mean: just a complete fantasy world. Until a reality Man comes by, I let him pass right on by. Since so many tears, hid him from focus of my eyes. Jesus said, "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God'-Romans 12:2. If only I could meditate on the Word of God, than my past mistakes or right decisions. Maybe my future would seem much brighter.

We are equipped to progress with life, not regress. The regression is a common decision on our weaken flesh decision. Regression, literally means: going backward. The devil plays, where there's an easy access to a playground. He knows our fleshy weaknesses. That's why so many of us are not producing, but reducing the blessings; God has given to every man fairly. Lack of life is all in the mind, not our environment. We cause our own self destruction, by creating past construction. Trust me, I know what I'm saying, because God has said it: a lot in the Holy Scripture. We all must stop counting too much on the past. To be able to have a meaningful life to live at last.

Starting today, I'm going to work on: getting my mind and spirit healthy. Stop thinking about what mistakes, faults, letdowns, and decisions; I had to make. And start focusing on what God's Will, is making for me. It is time to refocus on the Lord and not on Man(people in general). We all have some type of position in this world: some publicly and some privately. It's just how we decide to use it, spiritually. All the past does, is manifest old things; that weren't meant to last. So now it's time to take the power back, from the past. And reinvest the energy, in making the present stronger; for the best future. There will be bumpy roads ahead and the past may catch up, but with a will to overtake the race, must start by strengthening the pace-1 Corinthians 9: 24,25(NIV)

I pray this blog is a blessing. It has and will be a journey in dealing outside of the past. We all just need to take one step at time. And the first step is always dealt, in the mind. Fear to what the future holds, keeps our present in the captured soul. The spirit must travel here and about, connecting with other spirits: conversing. If our thoughts are captured from within, we will never see what production our spirits can transcend. So we must not fear anything or condemn our anythings to death. Life is for learning, whether: GOOD or BAD. The past still had to be had and dealt with: happy or sad. Just learn from it, as we walk away from it. God bless.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

A Prayer and Praise: For Good and Bad Times...

I am coming to you, Lord, to give you all the praises; for what you have and are doing in my life. You have brought me out of the desert, without a single thirst for water. I am full and I am satisfied with thou Will in my life. In my process of going through a storm, you have strengthen my spirit and natural life for the better. Without you in the midst of my storm, I would have withered away and perished. But you, Lord, never left me alone, to stumble, or fall. I am a new creation, born again in the night sabbath of my soul. I am a mounted up eagle, who's flying beyond this earthly temptation. I am a child of the living God, who made flesh, breath, and life into my body; by your Word. You have made me a fighter and a conqueror, with your hands upon my situations. I see your presence more, than ever. Making valleys out of my mountains, making plains in my paths. I am and always will be an overcomer of anything, the devil tries to throw my way. Because you, Lord, are right in front, on the side, and behind me. Taking every step I make, as a closer walk in your presence and protection. Thank you, Lord, for hearing my cries and thank you, Lord, for always being there to dry my eyes. And according to your Word in Romans 8:38,39: For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. So I believe your Word, Lord, and receive it into my life. In Jesus Powerful Name, I pray and praise. Amen and Amen.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Why People Aren't As Friendly???

I have been searching this internet, social networks, and communities, to find some nice, intelligent, and friendly people. Everyone I have met, seems to be afraid of someone new or just caught up with their own lives. There are some really compassionate and loyal people out there, trying to communicate. But the only communication I see are: with old friends, online chats, and cell phones; not with the new person though. "Hello, how are you today," seems to be a thing of the past. "If you don't know me, why are you trying to," seems to be heading in the future. It is so sad that in the real world, people are lonely. Social Networks, are meant to socialize, with the old and the new. Whatever happened to: Hey, do you want to hang out;' or maybe I'm caught up in a time warp.
Life as I knew it, was so simpler back then. Even in kindergarten, we shared our crayons and play time. Now in the adulthood: if you can't give me; then to heck with you. My mother told me,"there will be days like this,"but as a child: the imagination of flying in a hot air balloon with Mickey Mouse, gave her advice direction into one ear and out the other. "Funny,"some may say; but when you're in tears, comedy isn't needed at the moment.
So the question still lies: Why are people not as friendly? My answer: maybe they are, just not allowed to befriend them, to find out. I pray one day, someone will fully discuss this issue. Because loneliness is so lonely, especially when it's just you in a conversation. Crazy, hopefully not. In my right mind, well hopefully so. Will stay sane, I'm praying to be able to. Giving up on finding some friends, no, never. Since I'm not the only one, in this world searching for life. So one day soon, I'll discover a friend or two, who's not afraid to make me their friend too.
When that day comes, I would probably be complacent and afraid of rejection. But life is a gamble, just need to know: how to out wit the game played. And that's by staying focused on the positivity. The Bible says: A man(people in general) that has friends must show himself friendly: and there's a friend that sticks closer than a brother-Proverbs 18:24. Only question that comes to mind:Where are these people at? Even some networks ask you: for finding your own friends. Some other networks suggest your suggestions. Now that's funny, when you don't really know anyone.
Society labels some people: Loners. To me that's a sign of discrimination. Since lonely people really don't want to be alone, but stuck, because of ignorant labels like that. That's why people are secluded from social groups, because people aren't sociable with them. I guess people have to make people befriend them, but how? Even a friendly "hello" causes others to run for cover. So what must an alone person do, to get the fear from people of them being new. You give, they take. You invite, they cancel. You smile, they frown. You look at them, they look away. You are in a happy mood, they question: are you on something. You talk about your faith in God, the church members point fingers and judge.You lend a helping hand, the cops are about to be called. You email someone by the network suggestions, a block is on your mail for them. And the most comical one of all: you try to go to an elderly man's house, to assist him; neighbors will swear up and down, "you're looking for a Sugar Daddy." Now that's comedy.
When reading my blog, I pray it sheds some light to this world. A difference can start with one person at a time. Yes we all need to be cautious out there, when finding new friends. But just keep in mind: we all were once new too. Just some are lucky to keep their old friends, that took the time to know them, and gave a chance to be befriended. While others are craving the intimacy/closeness of a friend, whether old or new. Nothing physical, just a spiritual and emotional connection. Am I a psychologist, no, but with experience; comes lessons once learnt. I'm still an advocate of:Friendships, even the new ones. Since some of the old friends, you can't say: they are a friend either. So I rather take a chance to find new friends and who knows that new friend might be you. I hope this posting is a blessing. God bless.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Spirit of Phoniness...

Some people tend to hide their true selves, why, because some like to pretend; they are someone, whom they're not...That's just called fleshy deceit...Not to say: they may truly love being this way, but the feeling of pride just takes control...God says: he hates a hypocrite/liar-Proverbs 6:16-19...Jesus said: They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable/very bad, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate/unprincipled-Titus 1:16.
So it's now time, to let God show us; through our true spirit: How to be presented truthfully...Ask Jehovah/God, to reveal his presence in our lives; where needed...Since being phony, really sets back our blessings...Meaning: while we hide our true selves, God can't work through us to reveal our true purpose...A chameleon changes, as the surroundings changes; and a leopard can't change its spots...Well, we all know that's a part of nature: but a human being is given a chance, to choose their life's direction...So choose it by first: being true to oneself, and all else around us; will change for the better in time. By revealing to our clear spirit, its true intentions.
Time heals all wounds and one of those wounds, need to be expressing the truth; of ourselves...Stop being someone, we're not meant to be...If people love us, than they deserve to love the true us...And the true us, must know who that should be...If not, ask God to come into our lives and make our lives crystal clear...Don't look at someone else, when we already have ourselves to find out first...Stop the phoniness and start being true to you...And that should be, what God sees through you spiritually; to outwardly present itself to the world naturally...I pray this posting is a blessing: )

Sunday, June 20, 2010

How can we say: we love God, but live in lust?

I have been through my hypocritical stage, where I talk about God in the open; but behind closed doors, I lived differently...And that life I lived, was through fornication...I wanted to feel the closeness of my man and knowing God hates fornication...Since fornication is a sin, opposite to what God wants: which is marriage before sex...All I saw at that moment of lust, was fulfilling my lustfulness...Not seeing the after effects, of death to my once innocent relationship...After the 8 seconds of orgasm was up, our respect for one another changed...I became possessive and jealous...While he became secretive and distrusting...The once: I'm guessing who you are, became: a disgust to whom we became to one another...Jesus said: Where do all the fights and quarrels among you come from? They come from your desires for pleasure, which are constantly fighting within you. You want things, but you can not have them, so you are ready to kill; you strongly desire things, but you can not get them, so you quarrel and fight. You do not have what you want because you don't ask God for it. And when you ask, you don't receive it, because your motives are bad. Unfaithful people! Don't you know that to be the world's friend means to be God's enemy? If you want to be the world's friend, you make yourself God's enemy-James 4:1-4...So in conclusion: Sin=Death, not death to our bodies per se; but to the purity in spirit...So I rather wait and let God, than to let any man, cause my spirit to not wait and perish; due to sin...I pray this blog is a blessing.